Anyways, enough talkie and more showy.
What got me started was my ripped jeans. Yes, I am that person who will buy brand new jeans ripped. Please don't judge. One of the rips started getting a little big which showed a little too much leg for me. I saw the idea once for putting lace in ripped jeans so I searched it up on Pinterest and this is what I found.

And this is how it turned out.
I really love how it looks and how it turned out. The lace I used is very fragile so it rips easy. There is probably thicker lace out there that wouldn't rip. A thing I would suggest is if you put lace in the knees, you need to make it loose. The first time around I did it, I put the lace too tight in the knee which then I couldn't bend my knee. Other than that, I am super happy with them!
The next thing I did is more of a craft I guess, but it was on Pinterest.
And this is mine.
Just so I don't get all the credit, my mom did find this idea on Pinterest and said I should make it. It, too me, looks super cool. It has that country feel to it which I love. This project is pretty simple and easy to do. The thing is once you are done, you have a bunch of empty match-boxes to throw away. Before you chuck them, think again...

Isn't so stinkin' cute?!
Here is mine.
I should do all the fancy stuff on top, but I feel like that would take a lot of work. I am a little disappointed with this project. The drawers won't open, I don't know if they are suppose to or not, but I would have liked them to. Also, I didn't understand what the candle was all about so I just ignored it. My mom told me after the fact that I was suppose to wax the places I was going to sand off. Next time I guess. I do love how cute it is though. I used beads for the legs. I made sure they were all the same size, painted them brown, and glued them on. There are SO many match-box crafts to do out there and they are all super cute!
The last project is probably my favorite because it saved me a lot of money. I couldn't find anything on Pinterest that showed you how to really do this craft so I had to go to YouTube which had exactly what I needed.
And mine.
This jacket is a new fashion that is out there in stores. The price ranges from 60-100 dollars to buy one. Crazy right? I always wanted to buy one, but the price always told me I better not. So I made one! I had a old jean jacket in my closet that had paint on the sleeve so I never wore it. Plus, I could cut off the sleeves without being sad about ruining my coat. I went to the thrift shop and found a hoodie for 4 bucks and I started making making my jacket. It is so easy to make! I think it took me about 2-3 hours to finish. I love it and it only cost me 35 dollars! If my jean jacket was from the thrift store it would have been way cheaper. I used a sewing machine instead of hand stitching it. Just make sure your fabric stays flat so that it doesn't bunch up. I made the mistake of not paying enough attention to that and my sleeve was sewed all bunched up. It was a easy fix though. Other than that, I love it so much!
That is my Pinterest adventures. Thank y'all for letting me share with you!
God bless,